Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Not your Granny's Book Clubs!

My Next Book Clubs
I Could Do Anything book club - 6/11/2015-9/30/2015
Du musst dich nicht entsch... buchclub - 10/1/2015-1/20/2016
Refuse to Choose book club - 10/1/2015-1/20/2016

No, these are not the usual book clubs in any sense. To start with, my book clubs are online. You can roll out of bed in your pajamas and check in from where you are. And the members aren't from around the corner, they're writing in from all over the world! 

Still, why should you join one (or more) of my book clubs? You might already know and like my books. You may even have read them. But these book clubs will make you want to read them again - and this time, you'll do the exercises. (You know you skip through the exercises when you read on your own.)

You'll also discover in these book clubs that you'll learn more about yourself in an hour than you've done in a decade! And you'll have some great people to talk to, great comments to read. You'll love the people you meet in my book clubs. They may be from all over the world, but they're your kind of people. Here's why: they join because they like my books and they're searching for the same things you are. You can't always find people like that in your neighborhood.

I'll send you one chapter's exercises each week. You'll read your own book and do the exercises on your own) and you can come online at any time to talk with the other good people about what you discovered. (Someone in Sydney, Hong Kong, New York, London or Johannesburg is sure to be awake.)

Here are the registration dates again:

My Next Book Clubs
June 2015
I Could Do Anything book club

(This one is also in German!):
Du musst dich nicht entsch... buchclub

October 2015
Refuse to Choose book club

Register 1-14 days before the start date for any of them.

Don't try to memorize those dates.  Just come on over and join my mailing list at http://barbarasclub.com  . That way you'll be notified of the book clubs and my many impromptu telephone discussions about Resistance! (Don't worry, I don't send out many newsletters so I won't jam your inbox. :-)

Friday, March 27, 2015

Hang Out with Me (Now!)

Register for Hanging Out with Barbara Sher from 7/10-19/2015
Our year together begins the next day!

Add your name to my mailing list for reminders of this and other events:

Hanging Out is different from anything I've done before and I can't keep away from it! (I check it before I look at my emails!) I put up my funniest (smartest) videos, wrote my best new material, and I still can't get over how much everyone loves it. But the quality of the conversations was completely unexpected. It's all online so members from all over the world jump in all the time. So do I.

"THIS community supports sometimes bold, sometimes more timid steps in the happiness direction. … we all try to understand that newly discovered happiness can cause unease. The power of actually DOING things that make us happy is nothing short of amazing."

If you want to be part of this now, while I'm still involved, I'd love you to sign up. HO registration dates begin July10 and end July 19, 2015.

See you there!